“It’s the little things that make a difference.” That’s what many patients and their families tell us about Redcliffe Hospital. Your support helps share a little more comfort, dignity and “touches of home” for those who need it most.
When much-loved mother and wife Kathy was in the Palliative Care Unit, her husband Lenny and their family appreciated the thoughtful care of the Unit’s nursing staff.
“All the staff were wonderful and one nurse, Sadie, went out of her way to help Kathy,” Lenny said.
The Unit embraced their two daughters, and even Kathy’s little dachshund, Cleo, allowing everyone to stay at night to ensure Kathy was never left alone.
You can help bring families together in their final precious moments.

Right now, just a little more help – from caring people like you – will make the difference that transforms the Hospital’s Palliative Care lounge and courtyard (pictured) into beautiful and family-friendly spaces. Only $10,000 is needed to make this refurbishment a reality.
Will you help with a tax-deductible donation before 30th June?
Give now at https://www.raiseitforredcliffe.com.au/donate
Or contact Sharyn at redcliffe@rbwhfoundation.com.au